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Traditional Supply Chain Vs Digital Supply Chain

Transforming the Supply Chain With Additive Manufacturing

In an era marked by the rapid adoption of transformative technologies across various domains, the landscape of manufacturing and product distribution is evolving significantly. Additive manufacturing, commonly known as 3D printing, has emerged as a disruptive force with the potential…

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Drone Mapping Image

Exploring the Benefits of Drone Mapping & Surveying

The adoption of drone technology across many industries has resulted in the ability to capture aerial data with higher quality, faster speed, and more consistent results. Drones are now used professionally for tasks such as inspections, mapping, remote monitoring, and…

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Phased Array Technology: Sectorial View

Overview of basic phased array technology theory

Devices using phased arrays are steadily becoming more important in the ultrasonic NDT field compared to when commercial ultrasonic instruments relied entirely on single element transducers that used piezoelectric crystal to generate and receive sound waves.

Phase shifting, or phasing, is in turn a way of controlling constructive and destructive interaction of waves by time-shifting wave fronts that originate from two or more sources. It can be used to bend, steer, or focus the energy of a wave front. Normally, A phased array system is centered around a specialized ultrasonic transducer that contains many individual elements (characteristically from 16 to 256) that can be pulsed separately in a programmed form.

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Corrosion – Rusting Metal and Your Bottom Line

Over the years there have been significant studies in various parts of the world on the cost of corrosion and how it affects a country’s economy. NACE International, the worldwide corrosion authority, released its 2016 IMPACT study which examines the current role of corrosion management in industry and government, and establishes best practices. The Study estimates the global cost of corrosion to be as high as US$2.5 trillion. The IMPACT study emphasizes the need for strategic decision making across all industries where corrosion is concerned.

Simply defined, corrosion is the breaking down or destruction of a material, especially a metal, through chemical reactions. The most common form of corrosion is rusting, which occurs when iron combines with oxygen and moisture.

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