RusselSmith Achieves 4 Million Man Hours of Operation with Zero LTIs

RusselSmith Nigeria, an integrated oilfield services provider, has recorded another major safety achievement by reaching four (4) million man hours of operations without any Lost Time Injury.

Over the years, RusselSmith has consistently promoted safety and has entrenched it as a way of life in its processes and interactions with stakeholders, at all locations where it operates. This latest achievement is a milestone of enormous value as it confirms the company’s commitment to maintaining a robust culture of safety.

RusselSmith is focused on servicing Asset Integrity Management requirements across all industries in and offshore Nigeria, with special emphasis on the oil and gas exploration and production industry. In addition to its well-established Integrity Management solutions for topside structures, the company has continued to expand the scope of its Subsea IRM services, and is gearing up to make its full range of Aerial Inspection And Survey services available to customers in the upstream oil and gas sector.

Kayode Adeleke, CEO of RusselSmith said, “recording four million man hours is a laudable achievement in itself, but to achieve this without any Lost Time Injuries is a significant milestone because it demonstrates our ongoing adherence to quality, health, safety and the environment. It is a testament to the priority that our employees continually place on maintaining safe working environments and complying with regulations. Safety is an integral part of the oil and gas industry and we take pride in upholding the high safety standards in the industry”.