It is my pleasure to introduce the fifth edition of Innova – RusselSmith’s monthly publication on all things interesting, innovative and informative.
In our last edition, we promised to expand the magazine’s content portfolio by featuring a partner, subscriber or customer in subsequent editions to contribute expert opinions on topical issues in the oil and gas industry, amongst other areas.
Today, I am delighted to present our first external contributor, Mr. Akeem Babatunde, an expert in the oil & gas industry and an active subscriber to Innova. We would like to thank Mr. Babatunde for sharing his thoughts with us.
This is the first of many more guest articles to be featured in our magazine – yours could be the next.
I am hopeful that you will find this edition to be very interesting and resourceful, as always.
Yours sincerely,
Leslie Oghomienor
CEO, RusselSmith