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RusselSmith Achieves 4 Million Man Hours of Operation with Zero LTIs

RusselSmith Nigeria, an integrated oilfield services provider, has recorded another major safety achievement by reaching four (4) million man hours of operations without any Lost Time Injury.

Over the years, RusselSmith has consistently promoted safety and has entrenched it as a way of life in its processes and interactions with stakeholders, at all locations where it operates. This latest achievement is a milestone of enormous value as it confirms the company’s commitment to maintaining a robust culture of safety.

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Maintaining the Momentum: The Law of High Morale

In the 21st Century business world, we cannot underestimate the value of building and sustaining momentum and maintaining high morale across board within organizations.
Getting ahead in the market place requires a carefully thought out plan to effectively fuse motivation and momentum for peak performance.

Momentum is essential to create a successful, sustainable business, yet, one of the biggest challenges that businesses face is how to sustain momentum.You can think of momentum as a force which is unwilling to come to a halt. The greater the momentum, the harder it is to stop the object’s movement.

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