
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the 6th edition of Innova. These are exiting yet challenging times for us all.

Challenging because the global oil and gas industry is currently faced with one of the most severe downturns in over 30 years. The business environment is becoming increasingly difficult to predict and adapt to as we face issues ranging from geopolitical uncertainty to over- regulation leading to businesses taking drastic measures to stay afloat. But we are optimistic of the future as we expect to see significant changes positively in the next one year.

Nevertheless, this is an exciting time for us because we are currently experiencing an overflow of responses to last edition’s guest feature. Our greatest appreciation goes to our contributor, Mr. Enitan Olukayode for sharing in his wealth of knowledge.

I was especially impressed by the number of responses we received regarding content contribution. I will like to reiterate that we welcome all forms of contribution and we will be happy to feature you accordingly.

All interested participants should please send in contributions within the first week of each month and we will follow up with you.

I am hopeful that you will find this edition to be very interesting and resourceful, as always.


Yours sincerely,

Leslie Oghomienor

CEO, RusselSmith